
Interface Summary
IBijectiveMap<X,Y> IBijectiveMap is a map that keeps an inverse to implement an one-to-one relation.
IInvertibleMap<X,Y> A map that can be inverted in that keys then are values and vice versa.
IInvertibleMultiMap<X,Y> IInvertibleMultiMap
IMultiMap<K,V> A Map that maps from K to a set of V.
IPatternMap<K,V> Implemented by classes that allow to search for patterns in their keys.

Class Summary
BijectiveHashMap<X,Y> BijectiveHashMap is a HashMap that bijectively assigns unique keys to unique values and vice versa.
BijectiveTreeMap<X,Y> BijectiveHashMap is a TreeMap that bijectively assigns unique keys to unique values and vice versa.
CategoryMap<T> map that allows to cumulate entries of type T, keeping track of frequencies and id values.
HashMultiMap<X,Y> Implementation of the IMultiMap interface backed by a HashMap.
IndexRanking IndexSorter is a convenience class that sorts Integer indices (values) by their scores (keys).
InvertibleHashMap<X,Y> HashMap that keeps an inverse.
InvertibleHashMultiMap<X,Y> This object maps each key to a Set of values and holds each member of this Set as a link to a Set of keys, i.e., depicts a IMultiMap (object -> set) with an inverse IMultiMap.
InvertibleTreeMap<X,Y> TreeMap that keeps an inverse HashMap.
InvertibleTreeMultiMap<X,Y> This object maps each key to a Set of values and holds each member of this Set as a link to a Set of keys, i.e., depicts a IMultiMap (object -> set) with an inverse IMultiMap.
MapFactory<X,Y> MapFactory is an experimental class that creates map classes
PatternTreeMultiMap<X,Y> Implementation of the IMultiMap interface backed by a TreeMap.
RankingMap<K,V> RankingMap allows sorting of two lists of items simultaneously.
TreeMultiMap<X,Y> Implementation of the IMultiMap interface backed by a TreeMap.