Uses of Class

Packages that use NestedCrpNode

Uses of NestedCrpNode in org.knowceans.sandbox.hlda

Fields in org.knowceans.sandbox.hlda declared as NestedCrpNode
(package private)  NestedCrpNode[][] HldaGibbsSampler.c
          c[m][ell] is the restaurant corresponding to the ell'th topic for document m.
(package private)  NestedCrpNode HldaGibbsSampler.ncrp
          the nested CRP structure into which c points
 NestedCrpNode NestedCrpNode.parent
          parent restaurant (root = null)

Fields in org.knowceans.sandbox.hlda with type parameters of type NestedCrpNode
private  java.util.Vector<NestedCrpNode> NestedCrpNode.children
          children = list of occupied tables in the nested CRP

Methods in org.knowceans.sandbox.hlda that return NestedCrpNode
 NestedCrpNode HldaGibbsSampler.getNcrp()
          Retrieve estimated nested topic structure.
private  NestedCrpNode NestedCrpNode.sampleCrp()
          returns the child node sampled from the CRP.
protected  NestedCrpNode[] HldaGibbsSampler.sampleCrpFullConditional(int m)
          Sample a tree path c_m from the full conditional distribution: p(c_m | c_-m, w_-m, z) \propto p(w_m | c, w_-m, z) p(c_m | c_-m), where p(c_m | c_-m) = m_i / (gamma + m - 1) for occupied tables and = gamma / (gamma + m - 1) for unoccupied tables is the CRP prior.
 NestedCrpNode[] NestedCrpNode.sampleHierarchical()
          given tbe probability assignments in the nodes and the L-vector newprob for new CRP paths, sample a path hierarchically.
 NestedCrpNode[] NestedCrpNode.samplePath()
          sample once from the nested CRP and update the occupation numbers
 NestedCrpNode[] NestedCrpNode.samplePath(int doc)
          calculates the word conditionals, which, in conjunction with the CRP prior, yield the path probabilities.
private  NestedCrpNode NestedCrpNode.sampleProb(boolean crp)
          Sample according to probability assignments in the prob field.

Methods in org.knowceans.sandbox.hlda with parameters of type NestedCrpNode
private  void NestedCrpNode.updateCounts(NestedCrpNode[] path, int doc)
          updates the counts for the current sample.

Constructors in org.knowceans.sandbox.hlda with parameters of type NestedCrpNode
NestedCrpNode(NestedCrpNode parent)
          initialise a CRP node deeper than root